Friday 14 January 2011

Daw Popular líder Aung San Suu Kyi Met 88 Geração Yan Estudantes Leader Myo Thein Naung

Data: 2011/01/12

Caros amigos,

Nacional Popular da Birmânia Líder eo Líder da Liga Nacional para a Democracia, Aung San Suu Kyi reuniu-se hoje com o líder, os Estudantes da Geração de 88 "Ko Myo Thein Yan Naung na sede da LND, por mais de uma hora.

Ko Myo Thein Naung Yan é um dos líderes fundadores da Rede Nacional de Juventude e, através dele, Aung San Suu Kyi fez duas perguntas aos jovens.

São eles:
(1) Porque você acha que a rede é necessária?
(2) Como é que vamos trabalhar em desenvolvimento para alcançar os nossos objetivos?

"Aung San Suu Kyi, gostaria de saber as opiniões e sugestões dos jovens", disse Ko Myo Thein Naung Yan.

Aung San Suu Kyi pedidos que você escreva as suas ideias, comentários e opiniões no National Youth Network página no Facebook e / ou grupo no Facebook.

Eles serão então entregues a Daw Aung San Suu Kyi e / ou você pode enviar e-mail para nationalyouthnetwork.Burma @

Você pode encontrar a Rede Nacional de Juventude página no Facebook e no Grupo e sk = group_120388354697897 & ref = ts, respectivamente.

Líder do Povo Daw Aung San Suu Kyi e os 88 alunos-Generation 'Líder Ko Myo Thein Yan Naung discutidos enfatizando a jovens «matéria. Eles também discutiram sobre a estrutura atual da Rede Nacional de Juventude e as suas perspectivas futuras.

Aung San Suu Kyi explicou sua intenção de por que ela incentiva a rede e fazer as suas esperanças para os jovens a compreender a essência do networking.

"Aung San Suu Kyi apela os jovens a fazer mais para ganhar confiança e desenvolver a confiança através do trabalho", disse Ko Myo Thein Naung Yan.

No que diz respeito sobre os números de aumento de ativistas motivados jovens envolver nos assuntos nação atual, Ko Myo Yan Naung Thein acredita que é por causa da liberação de Aung San Suu Kyi, mas ela acredita que é devido ao aumento no número de revistas de publicação, a uso de telefones celulares e as tecnologias de informação que não junta para fechar todos os olhos e os ouvidos dos jovens na Birmânia, bem como ajudar os jovens iluminada para ser mais consciente dos assuntos nação atual.

No que diz respeito sobre os programas dos jovens de capacitação, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi disse que o treinamento está resistindo à LND e Ko Myo Thein Yan Naung informado Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, que a National Youth Network gostaria de colaborar com a Liga Nacional para a Democracia em que matéria.

Aung San Suu Kyi disse que está feliz em ver um número crescente de jovens fazendo serviços sociais e / ou trabalhos de organização da sociedade civil. Aung San Suu Kyi disse que ela vê suas obras como fazer política de outra forma. "Qualquer um dos trabalhos humanitários nem trabalhos de organização da sociedade civil não pode ser dissociada da política a fazer", acrescentou.

Aung San Suu Kyi perguntou vista Ko Myo Thein Yan Naung na (recentes regime) do Serviço Nacional de Direito que é o serviço militar obrigatório na Birmânia. Ko Myo Thein Yan Naung respondeu que "É a tentativa do regime para militarizar a nação que não é adequado e necessário na actual situação".

Aung San Suu Kyi e Ko Myo Thein Yan Naung discutido mais de uma hora sobre a educação dos jovens, a motivação política, desenvolvimento social, bem como a actual situação política da Birmânia.

Ko Myo Thein Naung Yan é um dos proeminentes líderes das manifestações de 1996 alunos e devido ao seu papel de liderança, ea junta aprisionado por sete anos.

Ko Myo Thein Naung Yan, Ko Min Ko Naing e Ko Ko Ko Gyi trabalharam juntos quando formaram a Geração de 88 alunos em 2005. Ko Myo Thein Naung Yan foi preso novamente por dois anos após 2007 Saffron Revolution.

Desde que saiu da prisão no final de Outubro de 2009, um líder de alunos dedicados "Ko Myo Thein Yan Naung vem trabalhando com total determinação, a fim de restaurar a democracia, promover os direitos humanos e para conseguir a reconciliação nacional na Birmânia.


Rede Team Funcionamento
Rede Nacional de Juventude

Tradução não oficial pelo BDC

Muito obrigado pelo seu apoio inabalável.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Preocupação Democrática da Birmânia (BDC)
Registrado n º: 6496926
Endereço Registrado:
2 º andar ,145-157
St John Street
Reino Unido

Os endereços da Web:


00-44 208 493 9137
00-44 787 788 2386
Fax: +44 208 626 9045

Sunday 9 January 2011

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year to you all. We would like to inform you that "National Youth Network" is Founded in Burma under "The Guidance and Leadership of People's Leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi".

Please see the National Youth Network's statement in full in English below.

National Youth Network

Statement 1/2011

Youths, from civil society organizations, political parties, ethnic youths, worker youths, farmer youths have all decided to form a nationwide network, having met with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on the 28th December 2010 . And thus, National Youth Network, which represents all youths in Myanmar, was formed in accordance with the Leadership and guide line of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

National Youth Network, formed under the guidance and leadership of Democratic Leader and people leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, will work for flourishing of Democracy and Development as instructed and guided by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, National Youth Network will enthusiastically take part in the state building process by doing social, development, environmental and humanitarian works.

Any youth or any organization who accepts the guidance and leadership of people leader and democratic leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is automatically regarded as a member of National Youth Network. National Youth Network will work with the best of our ability for National Reconciliation as Daw Aung San Suu Kyi had set National reconciliation as a national mission.

National youth network was conceived on the 1st of January 2011, put into form on the 4th of January 2011 and came into life on 6th of January 2011. To celebrate the birthday of National Youth Network, youths in Yan gon division, Mandalay division, pegu division, Magway Division, Shan State, Rakhine State and Kayin Stae distributed foods to street children, books and stationary to poor students, nursed the aged and do plantation as an action of environmental awareness.

National Youth Network

We had formed

Face book Page- National Youth Network

Face book Group-National Youth Network

Contact Mail-

Myo Yan Naung Thein's Profile

Please join at National Youth Network PAGE here at


Please join National Youth Network Face book GROUP here at

Thank you very much for your unwavering support for the freedom in Burma.

Yours faithfully,

BDC Burma
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC)

PS: They are working inside Burma operating practically on the ground. Please show your utmost support by all means.
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Wednesday 5 January 2011

Calendar 2011 Burmese 2011

Calendar 2011 Burmese 20110101


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Burma's new future bright stars


All commarades & friends;
Excellence sir;
I would like to present the article"- Burma's New Future Bright Stars" as the memo of 63rd,Anniversity of Burma's independence Day under the following;

Our national people's leaders-General Aung Sann and mysters could get our Burma's independence on Jan,4th,1948 on our national people's treatty of Pinlone Conference on Feb,12th,1947 and they are Thakhin Aung Sann(Ko Aung Sann),Thakhin Mya,U Ba Win(the eldest brother of General Aung Sann),Dedoke-U Ba Cho,MarnBa Khine(Karen),U Razatt( Indian-Burman head master of National school,Mandalay,upper Bur),U Ohn Mg,Mineporn Saw Bwa-Sa san Htun(Shan) & Ko Htwae who were from our Burma's new bright generations of All Burma's national peoples.
They tried to get our Burma's Independence with leading of BIA,BDA,BDF,AFPLL,Pyithu Ayaetawpone organization,Communist Party(CPB),Socialist Party,Trade Unions, All Burma's Students' Union,University Students' Union,Doe Bama Asiayone and GCBA(Pe-Pu-Shein-Hlaing).
Our student's leaders were Ko Nu,Ko Aung Sann,Ko Raship(Indian-Burman),Ko Ba Hein,Ko Hla Pe(Bo Let Yar,a member of 30.commarades),Ko Hla Mg(Bo Zay Ya, a member of 30-commarades),Arnarshin-Ko Hla Shwe,Ko Ba Swe,Ko Aung Kyaw,Ko Thet,Ko Hla,Ko Ba Swe Lay and others and then,Ko Tin Mg Oo(Chin national university Student's leader,hanged at Insein-prison),Ko Tin Aye Kyu(a)Ko Mhile(RIT-University student's leader in 1976),Khin Ma Ma(University student's leader in 1974),Min Ko Naing(University student's leader on 8/8/88),Ko Ko Gyi(88),Min Zay Yar(88),Tin Aye(88),Htay Kywe(88),Jimmy(a) Myo Min Yu(88),NiLar Thein(88),Mya Aye(88),Myo Yan Naung Thein(88) and extra and 90-generations,96-generations,9999-generations,07-generations, 08-generations and eatra & extra.
Especially! Daw Aung Sann Su Kyi with 8888-democratic movement became All Burma's national people's leader & Burma's global democratic leader too with global democratic leaders and she is trying to construct the real democratic union of Burma on second pinlone conference,related by first pinlone conference of her Pa Pa- national people's leader-General Aung Sann & others and so, her second pinlone conference will be sympathied by all Burma's national peoples( All Nationalities,Ethinics,classes & stratas).
Other woman's generations-Ni Lar Thein,Su Su Nawe,Zorapham,Wae Hnin Pwint Thone & others became the brave & bright woman-leaders on the historical steps of Daw Su and so,we shall have to acknowledge of her democratic endeavors and she were socalled by our democratic acivities as New Aung Sann Su Kyi.
But some personally attacked Wae Hnin Pwint Thone, daughter of Mya Aye,88-student's leader together with us at Insein-prison for many years as the supporter on Musilim gangs and we are very sorry on their wicket personal attacking and we could get our independence on All Burma's national people's solidarity on Jan,4th,1948 and now,we shall have to get our second Burma's independence on second pinlone conference(21st,pinlone conference) on All Burma's national people's democratic solidarity(All Burma's nations-Ethinics,classes & stratas) and so,we shall have to avoid the un-necessity- group-struggles, All Burma's national people's conflicts & religional conflicts.
In this way,we should welcome our Burma's new future bright stars on Democracy,Human rights,National reconcilation & modern developments for our mother country together with global democratic forces.
thanking you in anticipation;
best regards;


(U Thi Ha Tint Swe)
Patron for B.D.C,U.S.A.
P.P for 14.yrs(89 to 02).
G.S-1 for N.P.F(Reg No;120(88 to 89).
Vice chairman-2 for G.S.C(Rgn)(8888).

Myo Thein
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC)
+44 208 493 9137
+44 787 788 2386
Skype: myo.thein19
Gtalk: myothein19

Please sign the petition, "Implement Burma's 1990 election results in which Aung San Suu Kyi led NLD won landslide victory",

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) is the global campaigning and lobbying organisation to restore democracy, human rights and rule of law in Burma where everyone can enjoy the freedom of speech, press, beliefs, assembly and rule of law that emphasizes the protection of individual rights. Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) is the registered company in UK, and register number is 6496926. Register address: 2nd Floor, 145-157, St John Street, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 4PY.

63rd anniversary of Burma’s Independence Day on 4th January 2011 (Tue) in front of the Burmese Embassy in UK.

Tuesday 4 January 2011


Burma Democratic Concern (BDCs): Let’s work together bringing the meaning of true independence
realities in Burma

04 January 2011

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) will hold the demonstration to commemorate the 63rd anniversary
of Burma’s Independence Day on 4th January 2011 (Tue) in front of the Burmese Embassy in UK in
order to call for the Burmese military regime to enter the genuine time-bound dialogue with Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi led Democratic and ethnics leaders so as to find the solution peacefully in Burma
and to call for to release all the political prisoners immediately and unconditionally.

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) believe that it will be the best solution for Burma so as to have
WIN / WIN solutions for all the parties concerned in order to have genuine national reconciliation in

Even though Burma gained independence on 4th January 1948, Burmese people cannot enjoys the
true meaning of independence yet due to the oppression of the successive military dictatorships, due
to the civil wars and due to the corruptions and mismanagements of the successive ruling military

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) welcomes the release of the Burma’s democratically elected
legitimate leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) earnestly calls for the
military regime to release thousands of political prisoners languish in the Burma’s notorious prisons
immediately and unconditionally and to do genuine time-bound dialogue with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
in order to achieve genuine national reconciliation in Burma.”

Burma gained independence under the leadership of Bogyoke Aung San and we are looking forward
to the days when Burmese people will be able to enjoy true independence under the leadership of Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi.

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) earnestly believes that the best days will come soon when Burmese
people will be able to enjoy the fruits of democracy, human rights and rule of law in Burma.

Burma Democratic Concern (BDCs) is destined to democratise Burma so as to establish a progressive
peaceful prosperous nation where everyone can enjoy the freedom of speech, press, beliefs, assembly
and rule of law that emphasizes the protection of individual rights.

Together we can bring the national reconciliation realities in Burma.


For more information please contact

Myo Thein [United Kingdom]

Phone: 00-44-78 7788 2386, 00-44-208 4939 137

U Khin Maung Win [United States]

Phone: 001-941-961-2622

Daw Khin Aye Aye Mar [United States]

Phone: 001 509 586 8309

U Tint Swe Thiha [United States]

Phone: 001-509-582-3261, 001-509-591-8459

Program Details:

Date: 04 January 2011 (Tue)

Time: 13:00-14:00 PM

Place: In front of the Burmese Embassy in London, UK

Address: 19A Charles St, London W1J 5DX


BURMA - Messages for Enlightenment to the Tatmadaw (English)